8 Sept 2005

Dupatta-fied Hippy Loon...

I’m sitting in the public library, vigorously typing an email to a certain Niqabified. As usual, and committed solely to my habit, I look around to see what is going on around me. I’m wearing yellow trainers, loose jeans, a bright blue shirt, a white dupatta and a scorny, unapproachable look across my face. I suddenly look to my right and see a middle-aged (cute-ish?) ‘gora’ sit on the computer next to mine. 'Asalamolikum,' he says. I’m a mixture of stunned, gob-smacked and lost. I’m so not good when it comes to quick talking. (thats an understatement. im actually AWFUL at it!) Not knowing what to do, I flash him a forced, prettified smile. I quickly log off and run away, away, away. Im thinking that he's probably thinking what a loon.
Thinking back, I realize what harm would it have done to say 'Walaikumsalam'??
[ I should have thought of DR.PEPPER ... whats the worst that could have happened? ]

zaza at 7:52 pm

16 angels shot me


at September 09, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

U cant percieve a person from what they look like, for all u know the guy who said aslamulaikum may not be a muslim, but could be a phsyco. The world is a dangerous place. Its better to just say w.salam and carry on, and if the person is persistant then u hav 2 options:
1) kindly say, "im sorry, but im busy, plz dont disturb me"
ot the 2nd option is smack them in the teeth.

at September 09, 2005 Blogger Crazed Teacher said...

eh yaar asalam alaikum bhi jaan hahahah why didnt u say w.salam.ush

at September 09, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeh...it happens...like once i hit a car with my old(anciet)monster road machine...

a guy stepped out of his car and cursed me..

Like, as a gentlemen it was my duty to curse back but i was also taken aback by the moment.. put my car in gear and flee...

at September 09, 2005 Blogger Niqabi said...

Awww...you mentioned me:D

I'm gettin my usual cheap thrills.
OK now the serious thingy...
Thats how people like you and me are:)

Ofcourse, insha'Allah we'll improve one day and be able to say walykum sallam to just abt ANYONE we want to!!

Aint that a sweet dream?

at September 09, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey thats harsh anonymous ...waisay zab how do u know that he wasnt a gora muslim??n believe me petrified smile is not a walaikumasalam so better get ready for next time..!!:)

at September 09, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww zab u shudve replied yaR.. the poor guy mstve thot over n then only said aoa to u...ws kehnay mei kia tha?
khair..i guess ure not tht social or something?
on the other hand its good tht u dont jst go arnd talking to every other random guy who wants to talk to u : /

at September 09, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

erm as far as i have read its not permisible to reply with walykum asslam
as thats the reply muslims are given. therefore to walykum wud b ok insha'Allaah to avoid any harm that may be caused to the repligion of islam ie waht the man thinks. and Allaah knows best
Asslamaulyukm Humera Aslam

at September 09, 2005 Blogger zaza said...

lol. thanks for commenting! lol @ mortal HAHAAH! anonymous, reveal ur self before i find u & behead u... hah! & niqabi, what u say is true. inshallah one day, it will be walaikumasalam and a bit more too, heh!

at September 09, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You weren't obliged to reply anyway cos he was a male :-)

at September 09, 2005 Blogger zaza said...

awwww shucks! man! im being stalked thru my blog - hope it doesnt end up being one of those internet-murder-stories...? :S

at September 09, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is the picture of on ur blog?

at September 10, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, who's pic??
& i actually agree with humera-non muslims dont have to be wasalaamed!just a walaikum, to not appear unpleasant.& dont u dare write me off as another one a those mullah types-coz im not-ushi will testify to that-ask her abt d jacuzzi ...lol!
so how's ur...head?umm, was it a nasty fall, in the cellar?i hope no harm came to the unfortunate mangoes?!
u might wanna consider falling again(but spare the mangoes this time), it'll give ash something to blog about...v dont want her to go off blogging now, do v?!

at September 11, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

whos the pic?? whos the pic??
i think it looks like Brandon Lee from The Crow... in drag.

at September 11, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

people people the gurl in the pic is actually zab from the past where she dressed up as a black guy with loads of makeup to impress ash n my sis hahahahaha!!tHe BoY iS mInE!!!

at September 11, 2005 Blogger zaza said...

some random scary woman from Google. lol. I think Ash has had enuff of blogging for now.
My head is fine, on the outside, its the interior that matters heh!
& td...shuddup! lol! :)

at September 12, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think the word scarey is an understatement... i havnt slept properly since i saw that pic...


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