20 Feb 2006
msn convo with S a few days ago...me: ok i gtg
s: where
me: cinema, watching Aeonflux with cousins. have u seen it?
s: no but the actress (Charlize Theron) in it is hot. i want to marry her one day inshallah.
i find it funny how this was said so calmly and confidently :o) bwahahahahaha
zaza at 4:13 pm
- at February 20, 2006 Mr. Khurram said...
Charlize Theron is engaged with Jake Stroker in South Africa. Though your friend's confidence might melt that engagment. *Smiles*
- at February 21, 2006 said...
huh... who is this S dude ...? what a loser... :P going after some1 who is engaged..(and rich with two working eyes)
wesay try mein haraj kya hai?!!- at February 23, 2006 Crazed Teacher said...
check out the way he says inshallah hHAAHHA