7 Nov 2007
I used to eat chalk and pencil lead when I was younger.I’ve got OCD-ish traits. For example when putting on deodorant, the number of sprays on the right need to be the same as the number of sprays on the left otherwise I get a weird ache in my legs.
I have always thought that Chinese/Japanese people have no sexual feelings.
The longest time I’ve ever spent on the computer, without a break, is 20 hours.
When I reach the limit of feeling miserable, I listen to cheap Indian songs and it sortof helps.
And that, for now, is all.
zaza at 11:43 am
- at November 08, 2007 lizzie said...
quite random!
- at November 08, 2007 said...
You mean tracks like ghumar ghumar?
lol:P- at November 08, 2007 zaza said...
yes and yes