3 Aug 2008
my head doesnt listen to my heart, my heart screams. my head doesnt listen to my heart, my heart screams louder. my head never listens to my heart. either my head doesnt own any functioning ears or my heart just isnt screaming loud enough.zaza at 1:07 am
- at August 03, 2008 said...
Seems like your heart is shouting which you head either doesnt understand... dosent want to understand... has already understood and does not want to believe in...
A simeple Q... Why are you stressing your heart and head so much?- at August 03, 2008 zaza said...
oh my God, i cant help the stress but youre so right!! never thought that my heart has understood but doesnt want to believe!
- at August 03, 2008 Ali said...
we all usually know what's wrong. whether or not we're willing to admit it.
- at August 04, 2008 said...
Do what feels right. Just do it. Your heart is you. Your head gets filled with knowledge and stuff, but your heart knows what the head doesn't. Take a chance. Bypass the head and take the side door to say hello to your friends.
-Hashir- at August 04, 2008 zaza said...
and when we admit it, we shud take action. but how do you go about doing that?
hashir honestly you should start a blog. your comments are highly valued. (but who are you!?)- at August 04, 2008 said...
Thank you for the kind words.
I'm another nerd with a keyboard and an I.P address. When I do write a blog, it gets personal pretty quick and suffers from excessive amounts of horse manure - and hence needs to be purged.
-Hashir- at August 05, 2008 gypsy said...
but i always listen to that screaming heart and thats the only way i satisfy myslf :)- at August 05, 2008 zaza said...
hashir, a bit like my blog then. i cant seem to keep it un-personal
sinner, i need to do that too i think