29 May 2018
Letting go.
Something from 2010.I had the wings to fly. She tailored them to just my size so I could soar. I had a small amount of hope in the palm of my hand. She told me to hold on to it and never let it go. I had memories that we locked up in a cage in my mind. She unlocked them and threw away the key so I could let go. I had all I needed to be a dreamer. She taught me to dream beyond expectations and not be afraid. I was coming apart at the seams. I was a bundle of sorrow and grief. She held my soul and helped me heal. I was drowning in a sea of madness. She threw me a life jacket so I could float again. I had all the pieces right in front of me. She glued them up and made me whole.
I was standing near a closed door. She turned the handle and set my demons free.
Delilah. at 11:02 pm